Friday, November 5, 2010

6 mos Check Up

This morning was Sutton's 6 month check-up and it could not have gone better! Well, maybe if he didn't have to get his shots, but we know those are for his own good! Sutton is right where he should be developmentally. Our regular pedi, Dr Jones, was out, so we saw one of his associates, Dr Austin. She was great! She asked about any new things he has been doing (pulling up on all fours and 'rocking', eating stage 2 baby food, getting better at his hand-eye coordination when reaching for and picking up objects,) his sleep habits (about 12 hours at night, hardly any naps during the day,) how often and how much he eats (5 times a day, nursing, breastmilk and formula and baby food,) and whether he's sitting up on his own (almost, but not quite.) Sutton is 19 lbs even, in the 75th percentile in weight, 27 3/4 inches long, 75th percentile in height and has a 17 inch head, which is in the 50th percentile. He got his 6 mos immunizations and also the first of his two flu shots. So he's truckin' along just as he should be!
Here is our happy baby boy showing off his new skillz at the Dr's office:

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